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Does Spiritism have rituals or priests?

No, because what characterizes Spiritist practice is its simplicity, without any external worship, seeking to live the Christian principle that God exists in us through spirit and truth, reflected in our conduct of life. Spiritism, therefore, has no priests, does not adopt or use in their meetings and practices vestments or any special clothing; wine or any other alcoholic beverage; incense, smoke or other smoke producing substances; altars, images, candles or other material objects that aid in the calling of the public.

It also has no hymns or songs in dead or exotic languages; dances, processions or similar acts; attendance to any material or worldly interest; payment for activities performed in favor of others; talismans, amulets, miraculous, blessed or scapular prayers; does not administer sacraments, does not grant indulgences, does not distribute noble titles; does not make horoscopes or exercise fortune telling and palmistry; It has no rituals and no promises and dispatches.

Examining the Kardekian Codification, we will find no references to any kind of ceremony or ritual, such as weddings, baptisms, among others.

The rituals are discouraged by the Spirit Emmanuel, in the book Spiritist Conduct, psychography of Waldo Vieira, when addressing the posture of the Director of mediumistic meetings. The spiritual author affirms that the use of rituals, images or symbols of any kind in the mediumistic sessions should be disapproved, in order to ensure the practice of Spiritism in its pure and simple form, emphasizing that a pure feeling is better than hundreds of external manifestations. [1]

As we are direct children of God, it is not justified that we need an intermediary for this contact with Him, we can do so directly, by thought and heart. The spiritist centers or truly spiritist societies, followers of the postulates of the Spiritist Doctrine, observe these orientations.

Marriage, for example, exists in Spiritism as an Institution, but not as a rite, that is, there is no religious ceremony of Marriage in Spiritism, but in the basic works of Codification, higher spirituality confirms the importance of marriage, claiming that it is progress. in the march of humanity. [2] Commenting on this question, the Spirit Miramez [3] reaffirms the importance of marriage as an institution and teaches that it is a natural law for all beings on all planes of life and that even on the closest spiritual planes to Earth, spirits also unite for sacred improvement activities.

He emphasizes that marriage arose to preserve the species within certain norms, ensuring new paths to the love of those who live together and allowing the constitution of the family, which is the cell of society. Remember, furthermore, that until man reaches the perfection of his feelings, he must be bound to others by human law, in respect of God's law, so that divine love elevates his feelings. For what they wish to learn, therefore, marriage is the means of education.

Therefore, of course, marriage is important for the growth and enhancement of the immortal Spirit, but there is no need for rite alone, for God blesses and assists all marriages, with or without ceremony. What is important for the divine approval of a union is not the outward act, but the intimate conduct, with love and respect for the partner, faithfulness and fulfillment of the duties of a healthy, love-based relationship.

Usually, as civil marriage is followed by a commemoration, some spiritist couples take the time to say a prayer, sometimes made by a center director, spiritist speaker, medium, etc., to seal this important moment. However, in this case, there was only civil marriage and not a spiritist ceremony.

Like marriage, the sacrament of baptism does not exist in Spiritism, having no special meaning to the Spiritist. Cairbar Schutel points out that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with Fire must be taught to our children in the form of evangelism, in which it will be effectively practiced by them as they are old enough to truly understand Christ's teachings. [4]

The author further elucidates that the word baptism has its origin in the Greek, meaning diving, or diving. In this light, he states that the practice of baptism represents a plunge into the Holy Spirit. Remember that Jesus never baptized anyone, but only followed a tradition commonly applied at the time. [5] Jesus never referred to baptism, but to the rebirth of water and the spirit, that is, the reincarnation and change of thoughts and feelings, necessary for the transformation of man, because outer cults are not the agents capable of modify the creature and elevate it to God, but only the inner change, brilliantly exemplified by Jesus.

Thus, Spiritism dispenses with the creation of external rituals or practices. In fact, only the proximity to the good spirits is an indispensable tool for their comprehension, since the spiritist, as Kardec teaches, must be recognized for his "moral transformation and for his efforts to tame his evil inclinations." [6]

[1] VIEIRA, Waldo. Conduta Espirita. Pelo espírito André Luiz. 21. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1998. p. 11.

[2] KARDEC, Allan. O Livro dos Espíritos. Brasília: FEB, 2013. Questão 6955.

[3] O LIVRO dos Espíritos comentado pelo Espírito Miramez. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 jun. 2018.

[4] Práticas espíritas. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 jun. 2018.

[5] João 4:1.

[6] KARDEC, Allan. O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo. 131 ed. Brasília: FEB, 2013. p. 235.

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